🥂 Ready 2021: Three live events to help you prepare for the new year

At the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent shut-downs, we held a few online events for our customers to help them use our broadcast links feature to quickly bring their businesses online. It was a lot of fun to get together with our customers and we received a lot of feedback that it was helpful for a lot of people.

As we head into the new year, I thought it might be useful to again make ourselves available to share more about the product decisions we’ve made, talk in more detail about some of new feature’s we’ve built, how they align with what’s happening in the industry at large, and generally help our customers get the most out of everything we have to offer for the year ahead.

Each event will take place at 10am ET, on each day of Monday the 28th, Tuesday the 28th, and Wednesday the 30th. I’ve broken the events down into three high level categories, but the format will be casual with plenty of time for open discussion and Q&A.

The event topics will give us a high-level framework to guide discussion more than anything. The schedule will be:

  • Monday 12/28: Hybrid - The Holy Grail

  • Tuesday 12/29: Memberships, Recurring Revenue and On-Demand Offerings

  • Wednesday 12/30: Your website, custom domains, student apps and more

One of my favorite weeks of the year is the week between Christmas and New Years Day - a time to hang on to the things that are working, let go of the things that aren’t, and the hope for a better year ahead.

As we say goodbye to a difficult year, join me to prepare for what we believe will be the brightest days ahead for independent studio owners.

To register for an individual event, please visit our calendar. Alternatively, you can also register for all three events using this link.

We hope to see you there!