Introducing Custom Widgets & Multiple Calendars

One of the things that separates Tula from anyone else in our industry are the lengths we go to to put our customers front and center. I was stunned from the very beginning that everyone who makes software in our industry would take their customer's students away from their customer's websites and over to theirs.

So disrespectful.

Today I'm thrilled to announce the next evolution of our widgets, which is that they are now color customizable, allowing you to pick your own custom colors and we also allow you to create multiple custom calendars for specific event series', specific instructors, or groups of each.

Maybe over the summer you have a stand up paddle board class over like the fine folks over at Gaea Yoga. Well now you can have a calendar just for those events. Or maybe you want to have a calendar just for your private lesson availability, well you can use custom calendars for that too!

With this latest update you can create as many different calendars and calendar combinations that you want, and this new functionality is available on all of our plans.

Custom calendars, combined with the ability to create custom payment forms and now customize your colors too, means you can have a more seamless experience than ever before when integrating our widgets into your website.


Like everything else with Tula, using this feature is very simple to use. You simply select 4 colors to customize - a background color, 2 text colors, and a link color. From there, we do a few things behind the scenes to layer transparencies, create borders and build a visual hierarchy for the pages based on your color selections.



The result is fully customized widgets with your colors, with a professionally designed look and feel. Check out the screenshots below to see how many different looks you can create!
