Yoga Roundup Take Three

The week’s best yoga news, according to the people at Tula Software

Can’t Bring a Yogi Down

Thanks to the government shutdown ending Wednesday night, the Smithsonian Institute is open again. But there was still some rearranging to be done this week. A new yoga art exhibit that was supposed to be displayed in the museum had to move to a new location for its fundraising gala. The exhibit takes a look at yoga from its inception to the present and is projected to bring an estimated  $450,000 in revenue to the Smithsonian.

The Walking Yogi

Getting little ones to be still can be hard enough, getting them to practice it? Even harder. But Huffington Post guest blogger Rowan Lommel thought of a clever way to make yoga exciting on a child’s level, make it a game! Her 6-year-old son loves zombies, and in order for him to defeat the zombies that are after him, he must pose them away. Brilliant idea? We think so.

Yoga for All

Yoga is all about having proper form, even when we haven’t perfected a pose, we still aim to do the best we can. For people who are blind or suffer from a visual impairment, practicing yoga can be difficult. But thanks to new technology from a group of University of Washington computer scientists, things are getting easier, with a software program they created that will follow a user’s movements and give audible feedback on how to correct their form. The future’s here, and it’s looking bright.

Detox Thyself

Need a reset button? We’re guessing you do. The good people at YogaGlo compiled a list of rejuvenating and cleansing yoga videos to get you feeling like your healthy self again. Remember, a clean yogi is a happy yogi.

A 20-Minute Yoga Sequence For a Tighter Backside
Enough said.

Reason #1,452 Yoga is Good for You
Reducing blood pressure. A recent study took a group of 56 men and women who had prehypertension (high blood pressure, but not enough to require meditation) and put them on a regimen of daily yoga and meditation. The results showed that participants’ systolic blood pressure numbers had lowered.